Tuesday, May 10, 2011


and I like this one by KC Tunstall

This was brought on by Wretchard's dissertation on love.
Dante believed that loneliness was the memory of happy times lost. And for perhaps that reason, the demand for love will always be greatest among those who have only heard rumor of it and glimpsed it, fleetingly, but once.
The comment section is especially good. This comment:
She could have had whatever she wanted from me, and destroyed me.
Caused this reply:
Love is very dangerous. It requires more trust than most are willing to give. To bare your secrets. To bare your soul. To admit your price.

You see the results all too often – “(s)he treated me like dirt and I was happy to accept it.”

The net? Most folks are looking for advantage. Which puts the folks in love at a serious disadvantage. Gibran had the answer - love anyway – pay the price.

Or Alfred Lord Tennyson: ’tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all’.
I'm pretty lucky. The love between me and the first mate just keeps getting better (with the usual hitches - we are dealing with humans here) over time (37 years so far). As usual I'm a little late to the show.

Happy Mothers Day Dear

Cross Posted at Classical Values

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