Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wright At The National Press Club

I wrote a bit today at Classical Values on Wright: The Devil Speaks.

My blogging buddy at Classical Values Eric has a post: How many wrongs make a Wright?

Gateway Pundit has an excellent post. Don't miss the picture at the bottom: Jeremiah Wright.

The Telegraph Co. UK. has a few words:

Barack Obama's former pastor returned to plague his White House bid yesterday with a nationally televised speech in which he blamed US policy for the September 11 attacks and praised the controversial black leader Louis Farrakhan.
And this choice quote from Obama's campaign manager.
David Axelrod, Mr Obama's chief strategist, admitted to the cable news channel MSNBC that the campaign had no control over the minister. "Obviously we would not have encouraged him to go on a media tour," he said.
They finish up with this gem:
Joe Watkins, a Republican strategist and pastor, who is black, said: "This hurts Obama tremendously because all it's doing is causing people to remember that Barack Obama has been a member of this man's church."
Obama is so forked. Burnt toast.

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