Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Midwestern Small Town Jewish Studies

What does it take to be an African American Studies Professor?

“Like many African-Americans I am bi-dialectal—proficient in both standard (acultural) English and in a dialect that identifies my ethnic community. As an academic linguist and an African-American woman, my public (academic) performances about what was essentially my private (community-based) identity were schizophrenic nightmares. Even though my physical appearance—the fact of my dark skin—called forth lurking prejudices, my standard dialect contradicted those prejudices.”
So I began to wonder. Could I be a Duke Professor too?

I have a beard and a Jewish nose. I can call forth lurking prejudice too.

I have intimate knowledge of and proficiency in the small town Mid western Jewish accent and dialect.

Certainly the fact that I'm a Jew in a small town qualifies me as an under represented minority whose numbers need to be boosted on the faculty because of diversity concerns.

Given that I was a Communist in my youth and now consider myself a member of the libertarian wing of the republican Party, I am conversant with and would be glad to mouth any orthodoxy required. With conviction. BTW my Communist leaning tends towards the views of Trotsky. Nice Jewish boy.

I could also do an imitation of a Milton Friedman supporter. Another nice Jewish boy.

Perhaps because of my special experience I could get my own department. We could call it Midwestern Small Town Jewish Studies. Kind of has a nice ring don't you think?

1 comment:

Abu Nopal said...

not enough. you have to affect a love of baseball and a certain amount of self loathing to be convincing.