Thursday, July 21, 2005

First They Came for the Jews....

Yesterday at Little Green Footballs Charles posted a piece on Muslim attacks on gays in the UK.

It is surprising to me that gays support the Palestinian cause ove Israel. They kill queers in Palestine and have gay pride parades in Israel. Well there are a lot of self loathing Jews BTW. So I understand.

There is a long discussion at Footballs about whether gays in America who are for the most part anti-war and pro Palestinian will wake up to the threat.

It is surprising to me that gays support the Palestinian cause ove Israel. They kill queers in Palestine and have gay pride parades in Israel. Well there are a lot of self loathing Jews BTW. So I understand.

I can tell you that the wake up will happen but it will be slow. Strongly held opinions do not change in an instant. Even with news of the worst kind. What will help unfortunately is a steady stream of attacks. They are coming.

(London) A British LGBT civil rights group says its leaders have received death threats from Muslim fundamentalists and warns that gay clubs could be targets for terrorist bombers.

"Gay venues could be bombed by Islamic terrorists," OutRage said Monday. "All gay bars and clubs should introduce bag and body searches. Muslim fundamentalists have a violent hatred of lesbians and gay men. They believe we should be killed. Our community could be their next target. This is no time for complacency."
I expect that as more gay Americans visit London and actually experience getting their bags checked will begin to turn a few heads.

In other news from the UK, Irshad Manji a lipstick lesbian confronting radical imams in the UK is profiled by the London Times:
Irshad Manji has already been dubbed ‘Osama’s worst nightmare’ for her criticisms of Islam. Now she wants Britain’s Muslims to stand more firmly on the side of freedom.

No wonder Irshad Manji has received death threats since appearing on British television: she is a lipstick lesbian, a Muslim and scourge of Islamic leaders, whom she accuses of making excuses about the terror attacks on London. Oh, and she tells ordinary Muslims to “crawl out of their narcissistic shell”. Ouch.

Manji is a glamorous Canadian television presenter whose book, The Trouble with Islam, has made her so famous in America that she won something called the Oprah Winfrey Chutzpah award. Even at a conference in Oxford last week she felt unsafe — despite extra security — with police sifting through “disgusting e-mails” and threats after her appearance on Newsnight.
Word is getting out. Time is not on the side of the fascists. A truly odius bunch.

It will also sterngthen the hand of the right in America. Fortunes of war.

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